Study of the involvement of TrkB receptors in the antihypoxic effect of the neuropeptide cyclo-prolyl-glycine

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Relevance. Cycloprolylglycine (CPG) was identified as a neuropeptide in 1996. It was found to have nootropic, antihypoxic, anxiolytic, neuroprotective and analgesic activity. This complex of effects is beneficial for the development of CPG-based drugs. In this regard, the study of the mechanism of action of CPG is relevant. We have previously revealed that AMPA and TrkB receptors are involved in the anxiolytic action of CPG. Objective. Purpose of the study is to reveal the involvement of TrkB receptors in the antihypoxic effect of the neuropeptide CPG. Material and methods. The method of inhibitory pharmacological analysis using the Trk receptor blocker K252A was used. Antihypoxic activity was determined in the test of "canned" hypoxia in mice. Results. The antihypoxic effect of CPG was completely removed by a specific blocker of Trk receptors K252A. Conclusions. For the first time it was shown that TrkB receptors are involved in the antihypoxic effect of the neuropeptide cyclo-prolyl-glycine.

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About the authors

K. N. Koliasnikova

FSBI «Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology»


Ph.D. (Biol.)

Russian Federation,

O. S. Grigorkevich

FSBI «Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology»


Junior Research Scientist

Russian Federation,

A. G. Alyaeva

FSBI «Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology»


Research Scientist

Russian Federation,

T. A. Gudasheva

FSBI «Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology»

Author for correspondence.

Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Corr. Memder RAS

Russian Federation,


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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