


Gynecology is the peer-review journal dedicated to providing the very latest information in clinical and research fields related to a wide range of topics in obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health. 

The journal publishes editorial conference updates, original research, reviews, clinical case reports, commentaries, clinical and laboratory observations by Russian and international authors, pertinent to readers in CIS countries and around the world.

The Journal emphasizes vigorous peer-reviewing and accepts papers in Russian and English with most rapid turnaround time possible from submission to publication. Abstracts for all papers are available in both languages.

It has served the interests of gynecologists, endocrinologists and all other professionals in gynecology and women's health by providing on bimonthly basis clinical information and practical recommendations to various aspects in the field of women's health. 

Special area focus/ journal sections:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Endometriosis
  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy failure
  • Hysteromyoma
  • Current methods of diagnosis and treatment

The journal welcomes papers both from researcher and clinical gynecologist, endocrinologist and pharmacologist from all around the globe to deliver up-to-date and authoritative coverage of leading research and clinical practice relevant to specialists in CIS and other countries. 



Bimonthly issues publish since 1999 in print and online in Open Access under the Creative Commons NC-SA 4.0 International Licensee.



Vera N.Prilepskaya
MD, PhD, Professor



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卷 26, 编号 2 (2024)


Estetrol: a new word in modern hormonal contraception. A review
Prilepskaya V., Iurova M.

The concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation is to increase the birth rate, preserve citizens' health, and increase life expectancy. One of the priority areas is the reproductive health of women. The pleiotropic effect of the components of combined hormonal drugs is successfully used in clinical practice by obstetricians-gynecologists not only for contraception but also for conditions requiring prophylaxis and drug therapy. Estrogens have a protective effect on the reproductive and extragenital organs; however, evidence of the effect of estrogen-containing drugs on breast tissue and hemostasis remains debatable. We analyzed the data published in the international databases PubMed, Google Scholar, and MEDLINE (search depth – 5 years). Estetrol (E4) is a native fetal estrogen produced by the fetal liver during pregnancy. The key difference from other estrogens is its highly selective and differentiated effect on various tissues and its unique antiproliferative properties. The review presents the results of studies on estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects of E4 and the combination of E4 with progestogen (Esteretta drug product approved in Russia), with particular attention paid to the oncoprotective effect of E4. Research data suggest that E4 may have different effects on breast epithelial cells and breast cancer cells compared to other estrogens. Clinical data indicate that E4 has a more selective pharmacological profile compared to other estrogens, which is reflected in a low estrogenic effect on the liver, including the production of sex hormone binding globulin, hemostasis parameters, and lipid profile.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):108-118
pages 108-118 views
Isthmocele: controversial issues of terminology, diagnosis and treatment. A review
Podzolkova N., Demidov A., Osadchev V., Babkov K., Denisova Y.

The frequency of abdominal delivery in the world is steadily rising. Since the latter is associated with a lot of complications compared with vaginal delivery, the increase in the proportion of deliveries in women with a uterine scar through the natural birth canal is an important strategic goal of the obstetrics and gynecology community. In addition, it is established that every second patient after a cesarean section develops a defect in the scar area, which is often accompanied by various disorders of the menstrual cycle (in 25,5% of cases – abnormal uterine bleeding) and can cause secondary infertility. Both assessment of the risk of scar failure at the stage of preconceptional preparation and timely detection and treatment of isthmocele symptoms are still serious challenges facing obstetricians and gynecologists. Clinical guidelines devoted to the cesarean scar defect problem have not yet been developed. This review presents the quintessence of modern data on possible risk factors, clinical manifestations with a detailed consideration of pathophysiological mechanisms, diagnostic tools and correction methods of symptomatic isthmocele and uterine scar defect with a detailed description of indications and a comparative assessment of their effectiveness in order to standardize approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of these pathological conditions.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):119-127
pages 119-127 views
Modern methods for assessing blood loss in childbirth and diagnosing postpartum hemorrhage: A review
Belokrinitskaya T., Sidorkina A., Mudrov V.

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in Russia and worldwide. Accurate calculation of circulating blood volume (CBV) and personalized estimation of the extent of blood loss (EBL) play vital roles in the early diagnosis of PPH. Visual assessment of BL in childbirth is an available diagnostic method, but it has a high error rate compared to the gravimetric method. A dynamic assessment of the shock index (SI) as an indicator that reflects hemodynamic disorders early enough can be used as an additional diagnostic method for PPH and a test that allows predicting the need for transfusion of blood products.

Aim. To review current literature on the assessment of BL in childbirth and the diagnosis of PPH.

Materials and methods. The search for publications by Russian and foreign authors was carried out in the information electronic databases PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and eLibrary from 2016 to January 2024 using the keywords "obstetric blood loss," "PPH," and "SI."

Results. When assessing the CBV, its correlation with the body mass index was revealed. Subjective methods for the PPH assessment have a large margin of error, which does not depend on the experience and seniority of the healthcare provider. The gravimetric method is more accurate, but it can underestimate the clinical situation when physiological blood loss is exceeded. Dynamic assessment of SI is an early marker of hemodynamic disorders and makes it possible to identify patients with a high risk of adverse outcomes more reliably than other parameters.

Conclusion. In order to provide timely and adequate emergency medical care for excessive obstetric blood loss, a personalized approach should be used to calculate the EBL, taking into account the woman's body mass index, as well as a systematic assessment of the BL, including at least the extent of blood loss and monitoring of the SI.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):129-134
pages 129-134 views
Outpatient diagnosis and drug therapy of endometriosis: A review
Solopova A., Alieva P., Dumanovskaya M., Tabeeva G., Ivannikova I., Smetnik A., Pavlovich S.

Endometriosis affects about 10% of women of reproductive age and can negatively impact their quality of life (QoL). Due to the heterogeneity of symptoms or even their absence, early diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the patient's complaints, including a thorough review of medical history, the results of imaging studies, and risk factors for endometriosis. Early diagnosis enables preemptive treatment and avoids surgical intervention. The article presents data on managing patients with endometriosis in outpatient settings, describing methods for non-invasive imaging diagnosis of endometriosis. Current options of pharmacotherapy aimed at controlling the development of the disease and improving the QoL of patients in the long term are addressed. Timely initiated drug treatment improves the QoL of patients, in some cases, leads to a regression of the lesions, and improves the prognosis for the reproductive function. A shift in focus to clinical diagnosis, combined with non-invasive imaging, shortens the time between the first consultation and the final diagnosis. According to the current view of Russian and international professional societies, therapy should be long-term; therefore, selecting treatment with predictable responses and monitoring the course of the disease is necessary.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):135-140
pages 135-140 views


Clinical study (phase II) of the efficacy and safety of Longidase (suppositories) in patients with adhesions due to pelvic inflammatory disease: A blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized study
Prilepskaya V., Dovletkhanova E., Ledina A., Tagieva A.

Background. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a significant gynecological problem. The main treatment strategy involves antibacterial drugs to eliminate the infection in combination with anti-inflammatory, infusion, transfusion, anticoagulant, and desensitization therapy. Chronic inflammatory processes can induce changes in the immune system, thus reducing the effectiveness of treatment, causing adhesions, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and infertility. It emphasizes the importance of developing new PID treatment methods, including using agents with immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and enzymatic activity that can increase the body's overall resistance to infections.

Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of Longidase® in treating pelvic adhesions to improve the outcomes in chronic PID.

Materials and methods. The study included 50 women of reproductive age with established chronic PID and adhesions aged 18 to 42 years with a mean age of 29.4±5.8 years. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups comparable in their main prognostic features. Patients of the main group (30 people) received treatment with Longidase® 3000 IU 1 suppository rectally once every 3 days, 10 doses, then 1 suppository once every 5 days, 5 doses (the total course is 15 doses of Longidase suppositories 3000 IU). Patients in the control group (20 people) received placebo. The treatment course was 55 days. The patients were followed up for up to 140 days from the start of therapy.

Results. The results show no significant changes and the negative effect of the treatment on the blood chemistry parameters in both groups. In 35% of patients in the main group, the level of peptide-bound oxyproline did not change; 46% responded to therapy with its increase and 11% with a decrease, which indicates the activation of the decomposition of collagen proteins and a decrease in their synthesis. Analysis of individual levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) before and after treatment showed a significant decrease in CIC in the main group (Longidase) vs. control group (36.1±1.4 and 30.8±0.8, respectively), which indicates a decrease in the severity of the inflammation. The pain relief, more pronounced during treatment in the main group than in the control group (30% vs. 15%), is probably due to the resolution of the chronic inflammation and correlates with changes in CIC. The onset of pregnancy in 10 (33.3%) patients in the main group indicates the effectiveness of bovhyaluronidase azoximer (Longidase®) as an anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic agent.

Conclusion. The study showed the possibility of using Longidase 3000 IU suppositories in the complex therapy of patients with pelvic adhesions due to chronic PID

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):141-149
pages 141-149 views
Assessment and correction of local antimicrobial protection factors in women with chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Gizinger O., Andreeva E.

Aim. Evaluation and correction of local antimicrobial protection factors in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2) and chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (rVVC).

Materials and methods. The study involved 100 women undergoing outpatient follow-up at the age of 40.9±5.8 years, with a body mass index of 29.8±3.5. The period was 2022–2023. The examination included anamnesis, collection of anthropometric data, calculation of body weight, microscopic examination of smears from the cervical canal and vagina, Gram-stained before treatment, in the 1st and 3rd months after its completion, identification pathogenic microorganisms using PCR, colposcopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin in the subjects at the control points of the study: at 1 month the average values were 5.9±2.9%, at 3 months – 5.9±3.0%, the average value was 5.9±3.1%. Candida species were identified by the bacteriological method using Sabouraud dextrose agar (growth of colonies of fungi of the genus Candida in an amount of more than 103 CFU/ml). Immunological methods for studying antimicrobial protection factors included studying the number of neutrophil granulocytes (NG) on the surface of the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, their phagocytic and NBT-reducing activity in a latex test. Randomization of patients into groups: group 1 included 50 (50%) women with DM 2 who, as part of complex therapy for rVVC received the drug Genferon® 1 intravaginal suppository of 500 thousand units 2 times a day for 10 days and fluconazole 150 mg orally three times with an interval of 72 hours at the first stage of treatment; group 2 included 50 (50%) women who received therapy with fluconazole 150 mg three times with an interval of 72 hours. The maintenance anti-relapse course therapy in both groups included the use of fluconazole 150 mg once a week for 6 months. In group 1st anti-relapse therapy was supplemented by the administration of the drug Genferon® 1 intravaginal suppository of 500 thousand units at night 3 times a week for 3 months, after which the vaginal microbiota was corrected for 2 weeks using vaginal suppositories, containing Lactobacillus acidophilus in an amount of at least 108 CFU. In group 2nd, basic anti-relapse antimycotic therapy was not accompanied by the prescription of any immunomodulatory or probiotic drugs.

Results. The etiological agents of rVVC in women of late reproductive age in 79% (n=79) и 28% (n=28), respectively, were C. albicans and C. glabrata, which during the period of acute of the disease were detected by culture in the vaginal discharge at more than 104 CFU/ml. Chronic recurrent course of vulvovaginal candidiasis in women with DM 2 was characterized by exacerbations 4 or more times a year, accompanied by the corresponding clinical picture: white or yellowish-white cheesy discharge from the genital tract, itching or burning in the anogenital area, discomfort in the external genital area, dyspareunia, dysuria, decreased phagocytic activity of NG in vaginal secretions by 25.8%, impairment of their spontaneous and latex-induced NBT-reducing activity by 35.2%, functional reserve by 23.0% relative to reference values. The use of the drug Genferon® as part of complex therapy for rVVC contributed to a decrease in the number of Candida spp. in 1st and 3d months of observation after completion of anti-relapse therapy, normalization of cellular factors of innate immunity of the mucous membranes, faster resolution of the clinical manifestations of an episode of the disease. The decrease in the number of relapses over a 12-month observation period compared to the control group was also facilitated by an increase in the protective properties of the vaginal mucosa due to the restoration of the vaginal microbiota with the help of lactobacilli acidophilus.

Conclusion. The etiological agents of rVVC in women of late reproductive age are C. albicans and C. glabrata. Subcompensated DM 2 is a risk factor for rVVC, which requires additional monitoring of microbiological parameters of the vaginal microbiota. rVVC in women with DM 2 is associated with an increase in the number of NG in the vaginal secretion, a decrease in their phagocytic activity and functional reserve compared to the reference values. Combination therapy of rVVC with topical recombinant interferon α2b, benzocaine and taurine in the formulation of Genferon® (suppositories) is an effective method to improve the clinical and immunological efficacy of therapy.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):150-158
pages 150-158 views
Features of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in ectopic endometrium in patients with extragenital endometriosis of various localizations. Observational study
Cazacu E., Zota E., Vardanyan M., Niguleanu R., Pretula R., Asaturova A., Ezhova L., Badlaeva A.

Background. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a conserved mechanism in the process of morphogenesis and organogenesis. EMT provides cells with migratory and invasive properties, which is a necessary condition for the formation of endometrioid heterotopias.

Aim. To confirm the presence of EMT features in different types of endometriosis.

Materials and methods. During a period of five years (2012–2017) we analyzed 43 cases of extragenital endometriosis: appendix (3 case), colon (5 cases), ileum (1 case), abdominal scar endometriosis after caesarean section (24 cases), and inguinal hernia (10 cases). The material was processed according to histological and immunohistochemical technique using monoclonal E-cadherin and polyclonal Vimentin antibodies to assess local invasiveness.

Results. In peritoneal endometriosis, the ratio of E-cadherin to Vimentin expression was 10.3, in the colon = 9.1, in the appendix 8.6, in the ileum 5.5, in the hernial sac 4.2. Thus, in diffuse infiltrative forms of endometriosis, the lesion phenotype is characterized by low expression of E-cadherin, while expression of Vimentin is at a high level (p<0.05).

Conclusion. The results of our study confirmed involvement of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition process in the pathogenesis of extragenital endometriosis lesions, on the one hand, and they certify its invasive potential in these localizations, on the other hand.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):159-164
pages 159-164 views
Chronic endometritis. Local prooxidant, antioxidant and immunometabolic disorders. An open-label, prospective, randomized study
Gizinger O., Sorokin Y., Radzinskiy V.

Aim. To determine local features of lipoperoxidation processes, antioxidant defense, state of matrix metalloproteinases in chronic endometritis.

Materials and methods. Eighty women aged 29.33±6.71 (min-max [24–36]) with histologically and immunohistochemically confirmed chronic endometritis and a history of reproductive losses were examined (group 1). The control group consisted of 30 patients without chronic endometritis confirmed by the results of a histochemical study and no history of reproductive losses, suffering from infertility of tubal-peritoneal origin at the age of 30.11±6.9 years (min-max [24–37]; group 2). All 130 patients underwent transvaginal echography of the pelvic organs, and histological and immunohistochemical examination of endometrial samples was performed. The activity of lipid peroxidation factors was analyzed: primary, secondary and final products of lipid peroxidation in heptane and isopropanolol fractions of uterine cavity aspirate, enzymes of the antioxidant system: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, deoxyribonuclease I (DNase), by spectrophotometric method, remodeling factors – matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2, -9 by flow fluorimetry.

Results. In patients of group 1, according to transvaginal echography of the pelvic organs, M-echo was 6.29±1.22 mm, in group 2 – 9.10±1.15 mm. In chronic endometritis, disruption of pro-oxidant and activity of antioxidant factors in the endometrium in women with chronic endometritis and a history of reproductive losses. In the heptane fraction of the phenolic extract, the concentration of primary products of lipid peroxidation (diene conjugates) was 12.98% higher than in the control, the content of secondary products of lipid peroxidation (ketodienes) was higher by 15.45%, conjugated trienes by 18.67% higher than the values in the control group, which indicates increased lipid peroxidation of endometrial cell membranes during CE. In the isopropanol phase, the products of lipid peroxidation of phospholipid acyl residues are detected. In the isopropanol fraction of the lipid extract, the amount of diene conjugates was higher, ketodienes by 24.32% and conjugated trienes by 26.14%. An increase in the activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase by 23.98%, catalase by 14.34%, glutathione peroxidase by 12.39%, and DNase by 2.9 times was recorded compared to the indicators of group 2.

Conclusion. Chronic endometritis is accompanied by changes in the system of pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors, the content of tissue remodeling products. The pathogenetic changes underlying oxidative stress in the endometrium may be increased leukocyte infiltration, imbalance of primary, secondary and end products of lipid peroxidation, enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, deoxyribonuclease I (DNase), expression of matrix metalloproteinases-2, -9.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):165-170
pages 165-170 views
To study the level of nitric oxide in exhaled air in pregnant women with bronchial asthma as a monitoring of disease control and prediction of asthma-associated obstetric complications: Observational comparative study
Pashchenko A., Dobrokhotova Y., Fomina D.

Aim. To determine the clinical significance of the level of nitric oxide in exhaled air (NOex) for optimizing the control of bronchial asthma (BA) in pregnant women in order to reduce asthma-associated obstetric complications.

Materials and methods. A cohort comparative study was conducted with the participation of 80 pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy against the background of asthma with varying degrees of severity and level of control, with an assessment of the frequency of asthma-associated obstetric complications. The main group consisted of 40 patients with a prospective determination of the level of BA control and inflammatory activity against the background of inhaled glucocorticosteroid + long-acting b2-agonist using a study of nitric oxide levels in exhaled air. The comparison group included 40 patients undergoing therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids + long-acting b2-agonist or monotherapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids with standard methods of outpatient monitoring of pregnancy against the background of asthma (without determining the level of NOex). The instrumental examination was presented by the determination of a surrogate noninvasive marker of inflammation – nitric oxide in exhaled air was determined using a portable NOex detection device (NIOX MONO; Aerocrine AB, Sweden).

Results. The study of nitric oxide in exhaled air demonstrated the presence of poorly controlled inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in 22.5% of patients at the beginning of the third trimester, the average NOex values were – 18.75±2.86 ppb. A strong correlation was determined between the values of nitric oxide levels in exhaled air and systolic blood pressure in the third trimester in patients from the main group (Rs=0.84; Rs 0.05=0.31). Decrease in NOex averages (14.87±1.65 ppb) in pregnant women, it occurred as a result of changes in the volume of pharmacotherapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids and measures to control the strict adherence of patients to anti-asthmatic therapy. Achieving complete control of asthma as a result of screening determination of nitric oxide in exhaled air and selection of optimal anti-asthmatic therapy was accompanied by a 2-fold decrease in the frequency of asthma-associated hypertensive disorders and surgical deliveries in pregnant women from the main group.

Conclusion. Modern approaches to the monitoring and therapy of pregnant women with asthma should be based on the study of subclinical inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The screening method for determining the level of a biomarker of inflammation of the bronchial tree epithelial mucosa – nitric oxide in exhaled air allows to determine the level of BA control, meets the requirements of maximum safety and minimally invasive for use in pregnant women.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):171-175
pages 171-175 views
Complex anti-relapse therapy of various variants of the course of the vulvar lichen sclerosus: A randomized prospective study
Kolesnikova E., Zharov A., Mingaleva N., Penzhoyan M.

Aim. To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of complex therapy of vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS), considering the clinical and immunological variant (CIV) of the disease.

Materials and methods. A randomized prospective study included 292 patients 20-70 years old with different CIVs of the VLS course: atrophic (n=101), sclerosing (n=154), scleroatrophic (n=37), as well as 35 females with VLS in the comparison group of the same age category. Based on the clinical, immunological, and morphological features of the VLS course, a complex anti-relapse therapy was developed, the effectiveness of which was evaluated after a year of follow-up in comparison with the standard of care (SoC) of patients (from the comparison group) based on the number of disease relapses and the results of the Vulvar Quality of Life Index Questionnaire (VQLI) survey of women with vulvar diseases.

Results. In patients with the sclerosing variant of VLS, short courses of topical glucocorticoids during exacerbations are justified; in patients with the scleroatrophic variant – topical calcineurin inhibitors, in the atrophic variant – a protein-peptide complex from porcine blood leukocytes (vaginal suppositories and cream-balsam with lanolin) containing interleukin-1, 6, tumor necrosis factor α, transforming growth factor, macrophage migration inhibitory factor. Patients with any variant of VLS are instructed to follow household and hygienic recommendations, use emollients daily, take prophylactic doses of vitamins A, E, and D to correct its deficiency or insufficiency, as well as use local enzyme therapy, as indicated, aimed at preventing or treatment of cicatricial changes. Local estrogens were prescribed only to women with genitourinary menopausal syndrome in the peri- and postmenopausal period. The developed complex anti-relapse therapy of VLS showed greater clinical efficacy compared to SoC: 3.7-fold decrease in episodes of disease exacerbation, as well as a significant (p=0.001) 1.3-fold decrease in the negative effect of VLS on the QoL of patients in the main clinical group (15.4 points according to the VQLI assessment – a mild effect on QoL) compared to SoC with the average score of 27.6, which corresponded to a strong negative effect of the disease on QoL.

Conclusion. The results of the study support the distinction of VLS CIVs and the need to consider their features when choosing an effective therapy for the disease. Properly selected complex, supportive therapy of VLS can significantly increase the QoL of patients, minimize the number of relapses, and prevent the development of complications, including, probably, the risk of malignant transformation.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):176-184
pages 176-184 views
Functional state of the liver and endothelium in patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome
Bulatova I., Shevlyukova T., Gulyaeva I., Sobol A., Khasanova V.

Aim. To assess the functional state of the liver and endothelium in patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome, depending on the degree of obesity.

Materials and methods. 70 patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome and obesity of varying degrees with an average age of 49.9±1.1 years and 30 practically healthy women without obesity and liver pathology with an average age of 47.3±2.6 years (comparison group) who were in the early postmenopausal period were examined. All women underwent biometric and laboratory-instrumental examination, including assessment of biometric indicators, determination of estradiol levels in the blood, biochemical markers of cytolysis and cholestasis, markers of endothelial dysfunction, assessment of microvascular tone reaction with calculation of the thermal vasodilation index, ultrasound examination of the liver and calculation of the Hepatic steatosis index (HSI).

Results. All patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome had a genoid type of obesity and hypoestrogenism. The level of estradiol decreased more significantly during the transition to the 1st degree of obesity (p=0.001). According to ultrasound and the HSI index, signs of liver steatosis were found in all patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome. Functional liver tests were within the reference values, 13% had an increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase, more significant in the group with grade 3 obesity (p=0.034). Laboratory markers of endothelial dysfunction were significantly higher in patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome than in the comparison group. The muscular and neurogenic index of thermal vasodilation significantly decreased in women with grade 1 obesity compared to the group with “pre-obesity“ (p=0.041 and 0.047). The lowest endothelial response was observed at the transition to the 1st degree of obesity in comparison with women with excess body weight.

Conclusion. For patients with menopausal metabolic syndrome to assess the condition of the liver, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive instrumental laboratory examination, including ultrasound examination of the liver, biochemical parameters and calculation of the steatosis index.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):185-190
pages 185-190 views
Features of post-surgical menopause with concomitant primary hypothyroidism: A prospective single-stage clinical study
Muradova D., Esedova A., Mamedov F., Magomedova T.

Background. In recent decades, the frequency of surgical interventions on reproductive system organs has been steadily increasing. In gynecological practice, preference is given to minimally invasive surgery and precision treatments, especially involving ovaries. Despite the modern approach, it is not always possible to preserve this endocrine organ, which leads to post-surgical menopause (PSM). The relatively high incidence of total hysterectomy-associated PSM and primary hypothyroidism in late reproductive age often leads to their combination. Clinical manifestations aggravating each other form an unfavorable vicious circle.

Aim. To study the features of the PSM course with concomitant primary hypothyroidism.

Materials and methods. A prospective clinical study included 130 women aged 45 to 55 years with a history of PSM. The main group consisted of 70 patients with PSM with subclinical primary hypothyroidism. A control group included 60 PSM patients without thyroid disorders. We assessed the effect of hypothyroidism on the PSM course by comparing several indicators in the main and control groups.

Results. It was found that in the main group patients, severe 26.5% and moderate 38.8% menopausal syndrome prevailed, while in the control group patients, such forms were twice as common. In the women of the main group, the levels of triglycerides were higher than those in the control group by 1.3 times (2.6±0.86 mmol/L and 1.43±0.33 mmol/L, respectively). The total serum alkaline phosphatase activity in patients in the study groups was 29.8% higher than in healthy women.

Conclusion. It can be concluded that the severity of menopausal disorders depends on the thyroid status, with more severe in patients of the main group with hypothyroidism. In addition, in patients of the main group with hypothyroidism, dyslipidemia is more pronounced, which predisposes them to severe diseases in the future, in particular cardiovascular disorders, the unfavorable course of metabolic syndrome, and the development of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Gynecology. 2024;26(2):191-195
pages 191-195 views
