卷 16, 编号 4 (2014)


Human papilloma virus and bacterial vaginosis: is there a connection?

Prilepskaya V., Nazarova N.


Analysis of the results of several studies has shown a correlation between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and bacterial vaginosis (BV), and a more frequent persistence of HPV and its recurrence until the occurrence of HPV-associated diseases. Susceptibility to HPV tropism and local immunity's ability to eliminate the infection can be changed under the influence of a number of adverse factors. One of these factors is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which gives a balanced ecosystem of the vagina and its defense mechanisms against other infections and diseases.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):4-6
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Diagnosis and treatment of vaginal microbiome: Is it all that simple?

Chernova N., Perlamutrov Y., Petrova I.


Changes in microbiome of the genital tract in the absence of obligate pathogens are manifested in the increasing number of opportunistic pathogens, contamination of the unusual for this type of bacterial habitats and reducing of the amount of normal flora, particularly lactobacilli. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of the therapy of vaginal microbiome by topical application of Gynoflor E, which is the basis of Lactobacilus acidophilus lyophilisate 50 mg (at least 100 million of viable bacteria) and 0,03 mg estriol. The study involved 120 sexually active women of reproductive age (18-45 years) complaining of discomfort in the vagina, and excretion. The drug is used by 1 vaginal tablet at night №12 the course. The results showed that the inclusion of Gynoflor E in standard methods of therapy of microbiome of the lower genital tract contributed to significant increase in the effectiveness of treatment to 86% instead of 46-53% when using only antibiotic therapy.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Choice of rational tactics of treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Pestrikova T., Yurasova E., Kovaleva T., Loseva E., Sbitneva L.


The study involved 49 patients aged 20 to 35 years old, seeking antenatal care with complaints about the presence of vaginal discharge, with a characteristic odor. Verification of the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis was based on clinical, laboratory examination: Amsel criteria, direct microscopic study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time. Patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the results of the clinical course and laboratory data. Group 1 consisted of 25 patients who during the PCR method in real time revealed the presence of moderate vaginal dysbiosis, with a predominance of anaerobic flora. To this group of patients Neo-Penotran® was administered for 7 days. The group 2 included 24 patients who during diagnosis by PCR revealed the presence of vaginal dysbiosis pronounced, with a predominance of mixed dysbiosis. To this group of patients, we administered a combined preparation of Neo-Penotran® Forte (7 days). The results obtained indicate the absence of relapse within 3 months after therapy. Therefore, during diagnosis and the verification of a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is necessary to estimate the degree of vaginal dysbacteriosis using, including but routine methods, polymerase chain reaction, real-time. Appointment of treatments for bacterial vaginosis should be commensurate with the violations of the habitat of the vagina.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):11-13
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Pathogenetic correction of vaginal dysbiosis

Mazurkiewich M., Firsova T., Dukhanina M.


Abnormal vaginal discharge may be a clinical symptom of various diseases and conditions, in most cases being a manifestation of bacterial vaginosis. The main role in the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis is given to violations in microbiocenosis of the vagina. Difficulties in mixed infections diagnostics and the adequacy of the medication choice are determined by pathogenetic treatment approaches.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):14-17
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Folic acid and its role in female reproduction

Kuznetsova I., Konovalov V.


Adequate folate status is a necessary condition for a normal pregnancy, the development of the fetus and child. Recent clinical studies have enhanced the classic recommendations for folic acid intake for the prevention of obstetric complications and fetal malformations. Subsidy of folic acid in the stage of pregravidal preparation and during pregnancy is an important factor in the prevention of miscarriage, premature birth, dysfunction of the fetoplacental complex, fetal malformations and birth weight of infants or immature children. The optimal dose of folate required to compensate for their lack (in addition to folate derived from food), ranges from 400 to 800 micrograms. The use of folic acid in combination with other vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy has a better effect compared with monotherapy with folic acid. At the moment, there are drugs with structure that, instead of folic acid includes L-methylfolate. In Europe, a comparative, placebo-controlled study, which compared the effects of the use of L-methylfolate ([6S] -5-methyltetrahydrofolate) and folic acid in folate concentration in plasma and erythrocytes was recently held. These studies suggest that folic acid and methylfolate increase the concentration of folate in the blood at the same level, so it makes no sense to use methylfolate instead of folic acid, which has a broad evidence base.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):17-23
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Correction of hormonal homeostasis in women with infertility and lack of luteal phase of the menstrual cycle

Tkachenko L., Linchenko N.


The article deals with infertility caused by failure of the luteal phase, the study analyzes the features of the receptor apparatus of the endometrium by immunohistochemical studies and various opportunities to support the luteal phase using Prajisun.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):24-27
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A comprehensive approach to the formation of the reproductive function in a young female. New uses of herbal remedies

Shamina I., Dudkova G.


N the structure of girls-teenagers gynecological pathology menstrual disorders constitute 61-63%. One of the most important and common reasons for breach of the establishment of the menstrual cycle is the presence of focus of infection. On the bases of research results authors were able to substantiate effectiveness of complex approach to a treatment with herbal remedies Tonsilgon H and Ciclodinon, what contributes to the achievement of stable remission of chronic tonsillitis, normalization of menstrual function, the elimination simptoms of dysmenorrhea.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):28-32
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A new non-hormonal method of treatment of a thin endometrium during the preparation of patients to the program of in vitro fertilization (newsletter project)

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Данный метод предназначен для врачей-репродуктологов, занимающихся проблемами бесплодия. Метод применяется в программе подготовки к процедуре ЭКО при наличии у пациенток тонкого эндометрия.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):32-33
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Herbal medicines based on a black cohosh extract as a safe alternative for the correction of menopausal symptoms

Kuznetsova I.


The review deals with the effectiveness and safety of plant hormones in the treatment of menopausal syndrome. Particular attention is given to black cohosh extract as a drug with distinction from other drugs in this group thanks to its action spectrum. The results of modern studies show that black cohosh extract is not so much phytohormonal as a natural vegetotropic agent that mediates its effect through serotonergic receptors. High-performance of black cohosh extract in relieving vasomotor symptoms is confirmed by comparative, placebo-controlled trials. However, no direct interaction with estrogen receptors defines security of black cohosh extract use. Long-term use of drugs based on black cohosh extract has no effect on the endometrium proliferative processes and mammary glands. Use of black cohosh extract can be considered a viable alternative to hormone replacement therapy in cases where it is impossible or undesirable.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):34-38
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Emergency contraception today: discussion of experts and practice

Erofeeva L., Prilepskaya V.


Emergency contraception with levonorgestrel for the practicing obstetricians-ginecologist is a well-known method of contraception. The modern science has analyzed the safety issues of its use, and recently has changed the understanding of the method mechanism of action, and also gave the answer to the particular question about the relationship of the patient` weight with the effectiveness of the levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception method.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Photodynamic therapy in the prevention of HPV-associated cervical cancer recurrence

Trushina O., Novikova E., Kostin A., Asratov A., Muminov Z., Trushin A.


Objective. To develop methodological approaches to relapse prevention of HPV-associated cervical cancer. Materials and methods. 40 patients with PDT performed in age from 22 to 46 years (median 33 years) with primary cervical cancer after surgical treatment of organ volume - high conical cervicectomy: carcinoma in situ (n=18) and cervical cancer 1A1st. (n=22). Identification and differentiation of HPV DNA polymerase made chain reaction. Alasens dose (20% ointment) was 0,1 mg/cm2, Exposure time 6 hours light source - diode laser LFT-630-01-BIOSPEC. Results. Complete eradication of HPV DNA after PDT cervical stump was achieved in 38 (95%) of the women in the other two - after the 2nd PDT. Resistant antiviral effect during the whole observation period is preserved in 39 (97,5%) women. Findings. Photodynamic therapy can be recommended with the aim of antiviral treatment in the second stage after amputation knife, laser, electro-and radio-wave cone excision of the cervix, as well as alternative and radiokoagulyatsii diathermy, cryosurgery, laser vaporization method of treatment of cervical PVI. Conclusion. These data antiviral efficacy of PDT are of great interest in the light of proven etiologic role of HPV in cervical cancer development.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):46-48
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Place of M-cholinolytics in the medical and diagnostic technology of handling women with urinary incontinence

Danilov V., Volnikh I., Luchinskii S., Danilov V., Eliseeva E.


We observed a group of patients (81 women of mean age around 55 years) with stress urinary incontinence, who, after surveying and preparatory conservative treatment underwent the trocar synthetic sling surgery. Postoperatively, in 24% of patients an overactive bladder syndrome was recorded, and therefore the therapeutic appointment of M-cholinolytic trospium chloride (Spazmeks) was made. As a result, the micturition disorders were corrected. According to the neurophysiological model, the prescription of M-cholinolytics for a long period is quite reasonable and safe in the absence of bladder outlet obstruction.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):50-53
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Postreliz 14-go Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa po menopauze Kankun, Meksika, 1-4 maya 2014 g

Artymuk N.


В Канкуне (Мексика) 1-4 мая 2014 г. состоялся 14-й Международный конгресс по менопаузе. Основные вопросы, которые обсуждались на конгрессе: возможности применения стволовых клеток и таргетного подхода к управлению дефицитом эстрогенов, эндокринные аспекты рака молочной железы (РМЖ), маммологический скрининг, канцерогенные эффекты разных эстрогенов и гестагенов, влияние менопаузы на настроение и ментальную функцию, сексуальность и здоровый секс у женщин среднего возраста, метаболический синдром и коррекция инсулинорезистентности, недержание мочи, первичная яичниковая недостаточность, перспективы применения ультранизкодозовых препаратов для гормонотерапии, управление вагинальной атрофией, лечение остеопороза.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):53-57
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The relationship of psycho-autonomic status of pregnant women suffering from vegetative dystonia, with pregnancy, birth and status of newborn

Masliankina K., Alexandrov L., Ishchenko A., Tutter N., Niconov A.


Тhe article discusses the relationship of psycho-autonomic status of pregnant women suffering from vegetative dystonia, with pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn state. It is shown that pregnant women with autonomic dysfunction are the features of obstetric-gynecological history, state of the vegetative nervous system and mental state.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):58-63
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Serum biomarkers for differential diagnosis of adnexal masses in pregnant and nonpregnant women

Martynov S.


The literature review is devoted to evaluation of possibilities of serum biomarkers and their combinations in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant adnexal masses in pregnant and nonpregnant women.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):63-67
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Modern tocolytic therapy in treatment of threatening preterm birth (literature review)

Van A., Kulikova A., Zalesskaya S., Dobrohotova Y.


This article touches upon the most important problem of obstetrics and neonatology - preterm birth. This article provides an analysis of the literature on the pathogenesis, etiology preterm birth, the role of modern therapy used in the treatment of preterm birth. Efficacy and safety this therapy for the mother and fetus. We analyzed various modes of tocolytic therapy, which used in modern obstetrics now. We provided data of foreign studies on the subject.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):68-71
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Prevention of iodine deficiency disorders in pregnant and lactating women. Current recommendations for the use of iodide potassium

Troshina E.


A critical consequence of chronic iodine deficiency during fetal development and early childhood is a violation of intellectual development. The need and the order of iodine prophylaxis in pregnant and lactating women identified the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council for Control of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD - ICCIDD). Pregnant and lactating women are referred to the absolute risk of developing IDD. WHO and ICCIDD recommend prescribe potassium iodide for women during pregnancy and breast-feeding, living in areas of iodine deficiency. Order № 50 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from 2007 identified essential drugs for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, which also made the preparations of potassium iodide. Russia's recommendations on the level of iodine intake by pregnant and nursing women conform to WHO recommendations. Federal standards of care for pregnant women include prescription drugs, potassium iodide.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):72-76
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The new in research of hematological features of uteroplacental blood flow at pathology of thyroid gland in mother

Pavlova T., Malyutina E., Petruhin V.


The research of macro - and microelements in uterus, placenta and umbilical cord at the pregnancy on background of pathology of thyroid gland of various genesis (euthyroid condition, diffuse toxic goiter, hypothyreosis) was conducted with help of electron microscopy with usage of detector for registration of spectrums. Recieved data at this pathology testifies about authentic decline of oxygen and other elements in umbilical cord, placenta and uterus, what is necessary to consider at correction of uteroplacental exchange with aim to decreasing of risks of obstetric and perinatal complications.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):76-80
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Serum biomarkers for differential diagnosis of adnexal masses in pregnant women

Martynov S., Ivanets T., Alexeeva M., Adamyan L., Zhordania K., Danilov A.


The issue presents the possibilities of serum biomarkers and their combinations in differential diagnosis of benign, borderline and malignant adnexal masses in pregnant women.
Gynecology. 2014;16(4):82-86
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