
Донников, Андрей Евгеньевич

栏目 标题 文件
卷 15, 编号 4 (2013) Articles Vaginal dysbiosis in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation
卷 15, 编号 5 (2013) Articles Molekulyarno-geneticheskie aspekty protsessa implantatsii u patsientok programmy ekstrakorporal'nogo oplodotvoreniya (obzor literatury)
卷 16, 编号 6 (2014) Articles Genetic predictors of outcomes of assisted reproductive technology PDF
卷 17, 编号 2 (2015) Articles Vaginal microbiocenosis and citocine genes polymorphism as the female health marker (literature review) PDF
卷 18, 编号 2 (2016) Articles Non-invasive fetal RHD determination in out-patient practice PDF
卷 21, 编号 1 (2019) Articles Local cytokine therapy in a comprehensive treatment of HPV-associated cervical diseases PDF
卷 22, 编号 1 (2020) ORIGINAL ARTICLE Expression of MSX1, HOXA11 and TP53I3 in the endometrium associated with the onset of pregnancy after repeated failed IVF attempts in patients with tubo-peritoneal factor infertility PDF
卷 22, 编号 4 (2020) BEST PRACTICE Vulvovaginitis of mixed etiology and real clinical practice PDF
卷 22, 编号 5 (2020) ORIGINAL ARTICLE The efficacy and safety of using the topical medicine with combined action in patients with opportunistic vaginal infections PDF
卷 23, 编号 4 (2021) REVIEW Bacterial vaginosis: modern concepts, approaches to diagnosis and treatment PDF
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) ORIGINAL ARTICLE Incidence of premature ovarian failure and early menopause in carriers of BRCA1 pathogenic variants PDF
卷 24, 编号 1 (2022) ORIGINAL ARTICLE Association between vitamin D, VDR polymorphism and IVF outcomes PDF
