
Endometrial receptivity in women of reproductive age with "thin" and "absolutely thin" endometrium
Aganezova N.V., Aganezov S.S., Gogichashvili K.E.
Endometrial receptivity during hormonal therapy in women of reproductive age with abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory disorders
Ten A.R., Oboskalova T.A., Vorontsova A.V.
The prevalence of chronic endometritis in patients with secondary infertility associated with a caesarean scar niche
Kurtser M.A., Egikian N.M., Savelyeva N.A., Sinitsyna O.V., Shestakova L.A.
Endometrial expression of FOX proteins (FOXA1 and FOXA2) in women of reproductive age with different endometrial thickness: prospective cohort comparative study
Aganezova N.V., Aganezov S.S., Gogichashvili K.E., Artemyeva A.S., Nyuganen A.O.
Pathogenesis mechanisms of endometrial polyps in women of reproductive age: a literature review
Orazov M.R., Mikhaleva L.M., Poymanova O.F., Mullina I.A.
The role of the anti-Müllerian hormone/anti-Müllerian hormone receptor type II signaling pathway in the eutopic and ectopic endometrium in patients with deep endometriosis: A cross-sectional study
Chekeneva N.A., Buralkina N.A., Asaturova A.V., Chuprynin V.D.
A review of international and national clinical guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial polyps
Orazov M.R., Mikhaleva L.M., Poymanova O.F., Mullina I.A.
Influence of pregravid preparation on the structural reorganization of the endometrium in women with chronic endometritis in infertility
Smirnova D.V., Gerasimov A.M., Kulida L.V., Verteletskaya T.V., Malyshkina A.I.
Chronic endometritis. Local prooxidant, antioxidant and immunometabolic disorders. An open-label, prospective, randomized study
Gizinger O.A., Sorokin Y.A., Radzinskiy V.E.
Characteristics of expression of proteomic markers in women with “thin” endometrium and their importance for the therapeutic effects of the use of exogenous estradiol: A prospective cohort comparative study
Aganezova N.V., Aganezov S.S., Gogichashvili K.E.
Female genital tuberculosis: a clinical lecture
Kulchavenya E.V.
Thickness of endometrium: predictor of the effectiveness of IVF/ICSI programs (literature review)
Bagdasaryan L.A., Korneyeva I.E.
The results of assisted reproductive technology programs in patients with “thin” endometrium
Nigora F.A., Anna D.G., Marina M.Z., Nataliya V.D.
Women with hypoplastic endomentrium: getting ready for pregnancy
Kalinchenko S.Y., Zhilenko M.I., Gusakova D.A., Dymova A.V.
New approach to the complex therapy of endometrial pathology
Tsarkova M.A., Sementsova N.A.
Combined oral contraceptives in the prevention of recurrence of typical endometrial hyperplasia of endometrium
Tikhomirov A.L.
Thin endometrium - combined non-hormonal treatment during the process of preparing to the IVF program
Schneiderman M.G., Kalinina E.A., Smolnikova V.Y., Mishieva N.G., Abubakirov A.N., Levkov L.A., Alieva K.U., Bykov A.G., Kuzemin A.A., Dyuzheva E.V., Kazaryan L.M., Pavlovich S.V., Fathudinov T.H., Makarov A.V., Afyan A.I.
Abnormal uterine bleeding: we diagnose and choose treatment
Chernuha G.E., Ilina L.M., Ivanov I.A.
Effect of dienogest on endometrial morphology and function with external genital endometriosis
Gerasimov A.M., Kulida L.V., Brykin N.S., Gorta R.N.
Contraceptive and medical possibilities of estrogen-hestagenic preparations
Ovsiannikova T.V., Kulikov I.A.
Uterine bleeding in menopause, cancer risks
Kovalyova L.A.
Transdermal estrogen in women of reproductive age (for the practitioner's aid)
Mezhevitinova E.A.
Pregravidal preparation of the endometrium and secondary nreproductive technologies
Shurshalina A.V.
Immunocytochemical characteristic of the endometrial mucosa HIV-infected women
Vorobtsova I.N., Tapilskaya N.I., Orlova E.S., Rukhlyada N.N., Proshin S.N., Glushakov R.I.
Thin endometrium in ivf practice (literature review)
Afyan A.I., Dolgushina N.V.
Endometrial polyps in postmenopausal women: results of a comparative analysis of clinical features after hysteroscopic polypectomy
Klinyshkova T.V., Frolova N.B., Tsertsanova E.A., Saponenko I.I.
Pregravid preparation: current aspects and new technologiesof diagnosis and treatment on the basis of laser Raman spectroscopy and photo-immune therapy
Zuev V.M., Aleksandrov M.T., Kalinina E.A., Kukushkin V.I., Ischenko A.I., Dzhibladze T.A.
1 - 27 of 27 Items

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